written by Tom McPhail
Tuesday, 01 February 2022
This week on the podcat Tom talks to Ian Costain, independent consultant at Bloomfield Financial Consultancy.
Ian's projects have spanned the pensions, long-term savings and investment sector, including research on consumers' perceptions of value for money and the at-retirement advice market, as well as time working in the FCA as a special adviser on pensions policy.
Tom and Ian talk through the consumer protection angle that was born out of pension freedoms, and the regulator having to play the hand it was dealt in policing the reforms.
Ian explains why there is an "accident waiting to happen" on non-advised drawdown, and why more needs to be done on linking investment pathways with sustainable retirement income.
He suggests while the recent discussion around stronger nudges to pension guidance are welcome, he says we may be fooling ourselves that these will have the desired effect.
Ian argues we need more meaningful and more radical action to give consumers the reassurance they want on their retirement choices, to avoid them being "paralysed by anticipated regret" and doing nothing.
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And if you missed last week's chat with Tumelo CEO Georgia Stewart, catch up here: Podcat#9 - Does shareholder capitalism still work?