Showing you our due diligence homework

written by Terry Huddart and Mark Polson

Wednesday, 19 July 2023

We devote a fair bit of time at Analyser to demos of all shapes and sizes.

They might be focused on functionality or new features, carried out via video, a live webinar or on a one-to-one bespoke basis.

But we thought it was worth taking a step back to explain the due diligence engine a bit more, and why it works the way it does.

This conversation between Terry and Mark (who by the way was very much enjoying playing in the new lang cat studios before going off on his hols), provides some background to the Analyser origin story.

They chat about how they arrived at the Analyser approach to due diligence, checking your platform and MPS biases at the door, using templates and how regular due diligence can make the selection process easier.

There's also a section on whisky and platforms, obviously.

Watch the full conversation below: